Frequently Asked Questions

Beginner users and signing up

Yes, you can sign-up at investmates for free. No fee is charged for signing-up.

Yes, any user can sign up for InvestMates irrespective of whether they have or don’t have a demat account.

No, we don’t provide any paper trading feature as of now.

As a platform, we don’t provide any such strategies. But you can follow influencers/creators in our platform for such strategies. However, we suggest you to not follow any creator’s strategy blindly without doing your own research.

InvestMates encrypts your data at rest and in-transit using powerful algorithms (SHA-256 and AES-256). InvestMates does not sell your data to any third parties and conducts regular security audits. InvestMates also offers an ad-free experience and does not allow internal access to your data. The data is stored in Indian servers and abides by all privacy laws to protect your data and keep it private.

InvestMates uses secure third-party services, to link your accounts and fetch your investment data. InvestMates does not store any of your account credentials and cannot move or make changes to securities/assets in your portfolio.

No, your portfolio data is completely private and no one can access or see it apart from you on our app. When you Link your portfolios you can see all your investments all at once place and track your overall wealth and this information is not shared with anyone.

Importing a portfolio into InvestMates offers several advantages, including:

  • Comprehensive overview: You can view your entire investment portfolio in one place, making tracking and managing your investments easier.
  • Real-time data: By importing your portfolio, you can access real-time market data and receive updates on your holdings.
  • Portfolio health check: You can assess the diversification of your investments and identify potential risks or gaps in your portfolio.
  • Tax planning and saving: Importing your portfolio simplifies tax reporting by providing accurate information on your holdings and transactions.
  • Expert Advice: Get your portfolio reviewed by SEBI-Registered Investment Advisor.

InvestMates takes the security and privacy of your portfolio information seriously. We employ robust security measures used by financial institutions and nationalised banks, including advanced AES-256 encryption, TLS 1.3 and multi-factor authentication, to safeguard your data. Your portfolio information is protected, strictly read-only and accessible only to you.

Yes, InvestMates supports importing portfolios from multiple brokerage accounts. This allows you to consolidate all your investments in one place for easier management.

To import your portfolio on InvestMates, sign up for an account and follow the step-by-step process to set up your portfolio.

You can import Portfolio by following the given path: Login to our app>> Portfolio>> Import Portfolio >> Stock s>> Connect to your broker accounts>>Brokers.

Smart Portfolio lets you manage your investments in smart buckets based on sectors, investment goals, time horizons and even seasons, making it convenient to review and manage your portfolio.

To create a smart portfolio on InvestMates, follow these simple steps:

  • Click on the '+' button located in the Custom Portfolio section.
  • Provide a name for your custom portfolio, reflecting your investment strategy or personal preference.
  • From the available assets page, browse and select the assets you wish to include in your custom portfolio.
  • Once you have added the desired assets, click the "Done" button to finalise your custom portfolio.

InvestMates does not provide personalised investment advice. However, our platform offers educational resources, market insights, and tools to help you make informed investment decisions. We also provide access to SEBI-Registered Investment Advisors for a comprehensive portfolio review.

However, please note that conducting research and consulting with a qualified financial advisor before making investment decisions is important.

InvestMates offers a free basic portfolio management service. However, certain premium features and services may have associated fees. Therefore, we strive to provide transparent pricing, and any applicable fees will be communicated to you before you opt for those features.

If you need assistance or have any questions regarding importing your portfolio, our customer support team is here to help. You can reach out to us through our support channels, including email, live chat, or phone. We are dedicated to ensuring a smooth and satisfying user experience for our valued customers.

CAS stands for Consolidated Account Statement. CAS is a single statement of all your investments in the securities market. NSDL CAS includes investments in equity shares, preference shares, mutual funds units, sovereign gold bonds, corporate bonds, debentures, securitized instruments, money market instruments and government securities held in demat. It also includes details of your investment in mutual fund units which are kept in statement or folio form with different mutual fund companies

Yes, you can import CAS files from multiple fund houses. Our CAS file import feature supports the consolidation of data from various fund houses into a single portfolio view.

Once you have already imported a CAS file we recommend importing CAS files once a month if there are changes in investment holdings.

In case of any errors or discrepancies in the imported CAS file, it may show some holdings with negative values that could be because of unrecognized assets.

Yes, once your portfolio is imported, you can track its performance using various metrics such as overall returns, individual stock performance, sector allocation, and more. These insights will help you monitor the growth of your investments.

We prioritize the security and confidentiality of your data. Our system employs robust encryption protocols and follows best practices to ensure the protection of your personal and financial information.

You can switch to private portfolio mode by going to settings from the hamburger menu > Privacy and Security and turn off the public mode.

A risk profile is an assessment of your individual willingness and capacity to take on investment risk. It helps determine the type of investments that align with your comfort level and financial goals.

Risk profiles categorize investors into different groups based on their willingness to take on risk and their investment preferences. Here are the three main types:

  • Conservative Risk Profile:

    A conservative risk profile indicates that you prioritize the preservation of your capital over the potential for higher returns. You are more risk-averse and prefer investments that have a lower chance of losing value, even if it means potentially sacrificing significant growth. Your comfort lies in stable and consistent returns, and you tend to avoid investments with higher volatility.

  • Moderate Risk Profile:

    A moderate risk profile suggests a balanced approach between capital preservation and capital growth. You’re willing to accept some level of risk in pursuit of higher returns, but you’re cautious about taking on excessive volatility. Your investment strategy may involve a mix of stable assets and growth-oriented investments to achieve a moderate level of risk and potential reward.

  • Aggressive Risk Profile:

    An aggressive risk profile reflects a higher appetite for risk and a focus on achieving substantial capital growth. You are comfortable with the idea of taking on significant market fluctuations in exchange for the potential of greater returns. Your investment strategy may involve a larger allocation to equities and other high-growth assets that may experience higher volatility.

Understanding your risk profile helps you make investment decisions that are in line with your financial objectives and emotional comfort. It ensures that your investments match your ability to handle market fluctuations.

Your risk profile is determined by considering factors such as your investment goals, time horizon, financial situation, investment knowledge, and how you react to market volatility.

The common risk profile categories include conservative, moderate, and aggressive. These categories represent different levels of risk tolerance and guide your investment strategy.

Yes, your risk profile can change as your financial situation, goals, and life circumstances evolve. It’s recommended to review your risk profile periodically, especially when there are significant changes in your life.

Yes, your risk profile can be customized based on your unique preferences and constraints. However, it’s important to align customization with your financial objectives and avoid excessive risk.

The Family Portfolio Feature allows users to connect and manage the investment portfolios of their family members within the app. It provides a consolidated view of all family portfolios, fostering collaborative investment tracking and management.

Go to the Family Portfolio section in the app and select "Add Family Member." Choose the relationship and follow the prompts to link or invite them to join. If they're already using the app, they can accept your request.

Yes, you can link up to 15 family members to your Family Portfolio. However, each family member must consent to the link and accept your request.

Family members can manage consent requests, view shared family portfolios, and monitor their own portfolios. They have control over who they share their data with and can revoke consent at any time.

The Family Portfolio view provides overall analytics, summarizing the asset allocation, sector breakup, Top holdings, etc. giving an overview of the combined family portfolios.

LAS is a loan facility where you can pledge your securities like stocks, bonds, and mutual funds as collateral to secure a loan. This allows you to access funds without having to sell your investments.

Unlike traditional loans that may require property or a high credit score as security, LAS uses your investment portfolio as collateral. This often results in lower interest rates and more flexible repayment options.

You should consider applying for LAS when you need immediate funds without liquidating your investments. LAS can be used for various purposes such as funding education, covering medical expenses, taking a vacation, managing business cash flow, purchasing a vehicle, or consolidating credit card debt. It’s a flexible solution that allows you to leverage your investments to meet your financial needs while still benefiting from the growth of your securities.

You can pledge various securities including equities, bonds, mutual funds, and government securities. The specific securities accepted may vary by lender.

The loan amount is typically a percentage of the value of the pledged securities, known as the 'loan to value' (LTV) ratio. This ratio can vary depending on the lender's policies and the type of securities pledged. One can avail up to -

  • 75% of the net asset value for debt mutual funds
  • 45% - 60% of the net asset value for equity mutual funds

For example, let's say you have INR 2L in debt funds and ₹1L in equity funds. Your eligible loan amount will be = (0.75 x ₹ 2L) + (0.45 x ₹ 1L) = ₹ 1.95L

While the above holds for most funds, the loan-to-value percentage can sometimes vary scheme-wise. Only non-demat mutual funds are supported for a loan at this moment.

The loan amount might get lowered during the application in case you have the following

  • Investments in Mutual Funds blacklisted by the lender/AMC
  • Mutual funds that are currently pledged
  • Mutual funds held in a demat account
  • ELSS funds that are currently locked in

When you take a loan against your investments, your securities are pledged as collateral but remain in your name. You continue to own your investments and earn any dividends or interest they generate. However, you cannot sell these securities unless the loan is repaid in full.

The credit limit for a loan against securities is typically lower than the total value of the investments to protect the lender from market fluctuations. This difference accounts for the loan-to-value (LTV) ratio, ensuring the loan amount remains within a safe margin of the securities value.

A Term Loan is a fixed amount of money borrowed for a set period, with scheduled repayments. An Overdraft is a credit facility that allows you to withdraw money up to an approved limit as and when needed, and interest is charged only on the utilized amount.

You can repay your loan through EMIs or as a lump sum, depending on the terms agreed upon with the lender. Payments can typically be made via online transfers, cheques, or direct debit arrangements.

The customer can choose to pre-close their loan anytime you want after payment of interest and the principal loan amount. There are no foreclosure charges.

The time taken to disburse the loan amount can vary, but post approval of the loan application, and completion of all the documentation your loan amount will be disbursed within 24 hrs.

LAS offers several benefits, including the ability to retain ownership and earn returns on your investments, lower interest rates compared to unsecured loans, and flexible repayment options.

Yes, you continue to earn dividends or interest on your pledged securities. The ownership of the securities remains with you, and only the right to sell them is transferred to the lender as collateral.

The application process typically involves selecting the securities you wish to pledge, completing an application form, and submitting any required documentation. The lender will then assess your application and determine the credit limit.

The disbursement time can vary, but many lenders offer quick processing times, sometimes disbursing funds within a few hours of application approval.

Most lenders do not charge pre-payment penalties for LAS, giving you the flexibility to repay the loan ahead of schedule without additional costs.

If the value of your pledged securities falls below a certain level, you may be required to pledge additional securities or repay part of the loan to maintain the LTV ratio.


Yes, we provide a section called news in the asset part. This section includes all the news related to that particular asset. All the latest news are also updated in this section.

Yes, we do provide various information about an asset in the asset section. We provide the asset’s chart, sections, fundamentals and latest news. So, you can analyze a particular asset in our platform before you decide to invest in that particular asset. You can also follow creators/ influencers to keep a track of their views regarding an asset.

In InvestMates users, Influencers, creators mostly discuss all the asset classes in general. To name a few: stocks, commodity, MF/ETF, Real Estate, Crypto, Futures & options, Forex, Indices, bonds, insurance, bank deposit, retirement etc.

Yes, definitely. You can make use of the chat feature to directly message anybody you want. Feel free to ping your friends in InvestMates and share your thoughts!

No, you cannot buy or sell stocks in InvestMates. Our platform is more of a discussion forum rather than a trading platform. However, we collaborate with brokers and you can choose to display your portfolio in our platform, so that your friends and followers can view your portfolio.

There are basically two types of communities in InvestMates: Private and Public. You can directly join a public community by simply searching for the particular community and clicking on the join button in the community page. You will be directly added to the community. However, to join a private community the admin of the particular community might take some time to approve your request.

Communities can be both paid and free, it depends on what the creator of the community decides. While some communities are free which you may join without paying a fee, there might be some communities where you need to pay a certain amount of money to get in. Hope you explore the various wonderful communities in our platform and have a great experience. Cheers!

Firstly, as the name suggests a group is more of a close knit thing, like a group of your closest friends. You can directly add members to the group and chat in the group itself.

Whereas a community is a more broad feature. Users can directly join a community(if it is private) or admins can approve their joining request (for a private group). Generally a community has much more number of members than a group chat and many more activities can be conducted by the community moderators/admins. Try creating a group or getting in a community, it’s fun!


Yes you can monetize either by rewards or Mates Coin

Yes, we have provided a community dashboard (analytics) where you can keep track of the growth of your community. The dashboard/analytics feature also helps you to understand the demography of your community and also helps you to track other useful metrics.

NO. Our terms & conditions and privacy policy protects you from being held responsible if anybody else imitates your strategy and incurs a loss.

No, you cannot host such an event through our platform itself. But, you can surely share a link to a 3rd party platform where you want to conduct the live seminar/workshop. You can share such events’ links in your particular community or group.

Go to my wallet and click on redeem. You can withdraw coins using UPI or a bank account.

Coins are an in-app currency that can be withdrawn using your UPI or bank account.

You can earn coins by

  • Participating in the contests. we launch multiple contests regularly do keep a close watch to participate in the contests and win coins.
  • Refer new friends and earn our referral reward.

You can withdraw the earned coins to your UPI wallet or bank account

  • 2 coins = 1 INR
  • You can see the coins in your wallet (link to wallet)

It is very simple, go to my wallet and click on redeem. You can withdraw coins using UPI or bank account.

You need 100% complete your profile like updating your profile, becoming a verified user & connecting your portfolio before you can redeem your Mates coins.

  • To withdraw first time you have to complete your profile and verify your account.
  • To withdraw more than 200 coins you have to import portfolio.

You need to earn a minimum of 200 Mates coins to redeem. There is no maximum limit, you can redeem as much as you can. If you are a first-time signup user you can redeem your first 100 coins within 5 days of joining. For other instances, you need to earn at least 200 coins to redeem it.

You can redeem up to 4 times every month.

When you signup through a valid referral investments will reward you with Mates coins. You can redeem these coins by verifying your account.

There is no expiry for Mates Coins; you can redeem them whenever possible.

Locked Coins are dependent on contests, with respect to the contests the tenure of the lock-in period for coins won can be different. Please read the terms and conditions of every contest to understand how locked coins or a particular contest gets unlocked and becomes redeemable.

Regular coins, on the other hand, are earned by participating in contests and referring more users after your initial referral has verified their account.

Your remaining coins will stay in your InvestMates account and can be used for future redemptions.

If you experience any issues redeeming your coins, please contact the InvestMates support team for assistance. They will be happy to help you resolve the issue. To reach out to support follow the below steps

  • Go to your hamburger menu
  • Select the “Support” option
  • Write to us and submit.

No, there are no fees or charges associated with the process of redeeming reward points on InvestMates.

Once redemption is triggered you cannot cancel the process. Therefore, please ensure that you have read and agreed to all of the terms and conditions.