Best ELSS (Tax Saving) Mutual Funds to Invest in 2024

Best ELSS Funds


Importance of tax-saving investments

Tax-saving investments are crucial for individuals aiming to maximize their wealth and reduce their tax liabilities. They help in optimizing financial planning and securing a stable financial future.

Introduction to ELSS mutual funds as a popular tax-saving option

Equity-Linked Saving Schemes (ELSS) mutual funds have emerged as a popular tax-saving option, offering investors the potential for higher returns compared to traditional tax-saving instruments, along with the benefit of tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act.

Key features and benefits of ELSS funds

ELSS funds invest primarily in equities, providing long-term capital appreciation potential, professional management, and diversification. Their lock-in period of three years is comparatively shorter than other tax-saving options, making them an attractive choice for investors.

Objective of the blog: To help readers identify the best ELSS mutual funds to invest in 2024

This blog aims to guide investors in selecting the best performing ELSS mutual funds for 2024, based on their risk appetite, investment horizon, and financial goals, while also providing insights into the working, advantages, and risks associated with ELSS investments.

What is ELSS Mutual Fund

Equity Linked Saving Scheme (ELSS) mutual funds are a type of diversified equity investment option that offers a combination of capital appreciation and tax-saving benefits. These funds primarily invest in equity and equity-related securities, with the objective of providing investors with long-term capital growth. ELSS funds are unique because they come with a lock-in period of three years and offer tax benefits under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act.

Definition and features of ELSS mutual funds

ELSS mutual funds are professionally managed investment schemes that pool money from investors and allocate it to a diversified portfolio of stocks. They are designed to provide investors with exposure to the equity market while also offering tax-saving benefits. Some key features of ELSS mutual funds include:

  • Lock-in period: Investments in ELSS funds are subject to a mandatory lock-in period of three years from the date of investment.
  • Tax benefits: ELSS funds qualify for tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, up to a maximum limit of INR 1.5 lakh per financial year.
  • Risk and return: As ELSS funds invest in equities, they carry a higher degree of risk compared to fixed-income instruments. However, they also have the potential to deliver higher returns over the long term.
  • Investment options: Investors can choose to invest in ELSS funds through a lump-sum payment or via a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP).

Comparison with other tax-saving investment options

ELSS mutual funds stand out among other tax-saving investment options such as Public Provident Fund (PPF), National Savings Certificates (NSC), and fixed deposits due to their potential for higher returns. While PPF, NSC, and fixed deposits offer guaranteed returns with minimal risk, ELSS funds provide the opportunity for capital appreciation, albeit with higher risk. Furthermore, ELSS funds have a shorter lock-in period compared to other tax-saving instruments, making them more appealing to investors seeking liquidity.

Lock-in period and tax benefits associated with ELSS

One of the primary attractions of investing in ELSS mutual funds is the tax-saving benefit they offer. Under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, investments in ELSS funds are eligible for a tax deduction up to INR 1.5 lakh per financial year. Additionally, ELSS funds have a lock-in period of three years, which is shorter compared to other tax-saving options like PPF and NSC. This relatively short lock-in period provides investors with the flexibility to redeem their investments after three years and potentially reinvest in other top-performing ELSS funds or other investment avenues.

Advantages of ELSS Funds

When it comes to tax-saving investments, ELSS mutual funds have gained popularity among investors for a variety of reasons. Here, we discuss some of the key advantages of investing in ELSS funds.

Tax-saving benefits

ELSS funds are an attractive investment option due to their tax-saving benefits. Investments in ELSS mutual funds qualify for deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, which allows investors to save on taxes and boost their overall returns.

Potential for higher returns compared to other tax-saving instruments

ELSS funds have the potential to offer higher returns than other tax-saving instruments such as Public Provident Fund (PPF) and National Savings Certificates (NSC), as they invest in equity markets. Although they come with a higher risk profile, the potential for capital appreciation over the long term is greater, making them a suitable option for investors with a higher risk appetite.

Diversification and professional management of investments

Investing in ELSS mutual funds provides investors with the benefit of diversification and professional management. The fund managers actively manage the portfolio, selecting a mix of stocks from different sectors and market capitalizations to optimize returns and minimize risks. This diversification helps investors spread their risk across various stocks, reducing the impact of underperforming assets on the overall portfolio.

Flexibility in investment options (SIP or lump-sum)

ELSS funds offer investors flexibility in terms of investment options. One can choose to invest in ELSS mutual funds either through a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) or as a lump-sum investment. This allows investors to choose an investment strategy that best suits their financial goals and risk tolerance.

Ease of investment through platforms like

Investing in ELSS funds has become easier than ever, thanks to user-friendly platforms like The platform offers a wide range of ELSS schemes from top fund houses, allowing investors to compare and choose the best ELSS mutual funds that align with their investment goals. Furthermore, the platform provides advanced analytics, expert guidance, and a secure environment to invest in ELSS funds, making it an ideal choice for both beginners and experienced investors.

Top Schemes of ELSS Mutual Funds in 2024

Choosing the best ELSS mutual funds to invest in 2024 requires a thorough understanding of the selection criteria and a close examination of the top-performing funds in the market. In this section, we will discuss the key factors to consider while selecting ELSS funds and provide a brief overview of some of the top ELSS mutual funds based on their past performance and key features. However, it is essential to remember that past performance is not a guarantee of future results, and investors should carefully assess the risks and potential rewards before making an investment decision.

Selection Criteria for the Best ELSS Funds

When selecting the best ELSS mutual funds, consider the following factors:

  • Past performance: Analyze the fund’s historical returns over different time frames, such as 3, 5, or 10 years, to understand its consistency in generating returns.
  • Fund manager’s track record: Assess the expertise and experience of the fund manager in managing ELSS funds and other equity investments.
  • Expense ratio: Compare the fund’s expense ratio with that of its peers to ensure that the management fees are not eroding your returns.
  • Portfolio composition: Examine the fund’s portfolio to ensure that it is well-diversified across sectors and market capitalizations, reducing concentration risks.

Brief Overview of Top ELSS Funds with Their Past Performance and Key Features

Here’s a brief overview of some top ELSS funds based on their past performance and key features. Remember that ELSS mutual funds are subject to market risks, and it is crucial to review the fund’s investment objective, portfolio composition, and risk factors before investing.

Axis Long Term Equity Fund: The Axis Long Term Equity Fund has been a star performer, showing impressive returns of 18.82% over the past 5 years and 13.68% over 3 years. It strategically invests in a mix of mid-cap and large-cap stocks, emphasizing quality companies with promising growth potential. With a moderate risk rating, it’s an appealing choice for investors eyeing a medium to long-term investment horizon.

Quant Tax Plan: The Quant Tax Plan stands out for its consistent performance and focus on effective risk management. Over the past 5 years, it has delivered returns of 17.53%, and over 3 years, a solid 15.91%. The fund maintains a balance by investing in both large-cap and mid-cap stocks, particularly favoring quality companies across various sectors. Its moderately low risk rating makes it an attractive option for investors considering moderate to long-term investments.

HDFC Tax Advantage Fund: The HDFC Tax Advantage Fund enjoys popularity due to its strong brand reputation and consistent performance. With returns of 17.04% over 5 years and 14.17% over 3 years, it primarily focuses on large-cap stocks, offering stability and potentially lower risk compared to funds centered on mid-caps. With a low risk rating, this fund is well-suited for investors with a lower to moderate risk appetite.

Disclaimer About the Risks and Unpredictability of Future Performance

It is crucial to note that investing in ELSS mutual funds involves risks, and the past performance of a fund does not guarantee its future returns. Market fluctuations can significantly impact the performance of ELSS funds, and investors should carefully consider their risk tolerance and investment objectives before investing in these tax-saving instruments.

How ELSS Mutual Funds Work

Understanding the mechanism behind ELSS mutual funds is essential for investors, as it helps them make informed investment decisions. In this section, we will discuss the investment and portfolio management process, the role of fund managers, and the impact of market fluctuations on the performance of these funds.

Mechanism of Investment and Portfolio Management in ELSS Funds

ELSS mutual funds invest primarily in equity and equity-related instruments, aiming to provide capital appreciation and tax-saving benefits. The investments are diversified across various sectors and companies, reducing the overall risk of the portfolio. Investors can choose to invest in ELSS funds through a systematic investment plan (SIP) or a lump-sum investment, depending on their financial goals and risk appetite.

Portfolio management in ELSS funds involves continuously monitoring and adjusting the investments based on market conditions and the fund’s investment strategy. This process ensures that the fund stays on track to achieve its objectives while managing the risks associated with investing in equities.

Role of Fund Managers in Selecting and Managing the Stocks

Fund managers play a crucial role in the success of ELSS mutual funds. They are responsible for selecting and managing the stocks in the fund’s portfolio, based on their expertise and market analysis. Their primary objective is to identify high-potential stocks that can deliver strong returns over the long term while keeping the overall risk of the portfolio within acceptable limits.

By leveraging their expertise and research capabilities, fund managers assess various factors such as the financial health of companies, industry outlook, and macroeconomic indicators to make informed investment decisions. They also actively manage the portfolio by rebalancing it periodically, selling underperforming stocks and buying promising ones, to optimize returns and minimize risks.

Impact of Market Fluctuations on the Performance of ELSS Funds

Since ELSS mutual funds primarily invest in equities, they are subject to market fluctuations and volatility. Economic factors, political developments, and company-specific news can cause stock prices to rise or fall, impacting the fund’s NAV (Net Asset Value) and overall performance. It is essential for investors to be aware of these risks when investing in ELSS funds and maintain a long-term investment horizon to ride out market volatility and potentially achieve higher returns.

In conclusion, ELSS mutual funds offer investors a tax-saving investment option with the potential for capital appreciation. By understanding how these funds work, investors can make informed decisions and select the best ELSS funds to invest in 2024. To explore and invest in top ELSS funds, sign up on today.

Who Should Invest in ELSS Mutual Funds

ELSS mutual funds are a popular tax-saving investment option for various types of investors, but it’s essential to understand whether they align with your risk appetite, investment horizon, and financial goals. In this section, we will discuss the suitability of ELSS funds for different investor profiles, comparing them with other tax-saving investment options, and highlighting their potential benefits for both beginners and experienced investors.

Risk Appetite and Investment Horizon for ELSS Investors

ELSS mutual funds invest in equity markets, making them a high-risk investment option. Therefore, they are suitable for investors with a higher risk appetite, who are willing to withstand market fluctuations for potentially higher returns. The lock-in period of three years associated with ELSS funds requires a medium to long-term investment horizon. Investors should be prepared to keep their money invested for at least three years and preferably longer to benefit from the growth potential of equities.

Comparison with Other Tax-Saving Investment Options for Different Investor Profiles

There are several other tax-saving investment options available, such as Public Provident Fund (PPF), National Savings Certificates (NSC), and fixed deposits. These options are considered low-risk and provide guaranteed returns, making them suitable for conservative investors. In comparison, ELSS mutual funds have the potential for higher returns but come with higher risks due to their exposure to equity markets. For investors with a moderate to high risk appetite, ELSS funds can be an attractive tax-saving option that also offers wealth creation opportunities.

Suitability of ELSS Funds for Beginners and Experienced Investors

ELSS mutual funds can be suitable for both beginners and experienced investors, depending on their risk appetite and investment goals. For beginners looking to start their investment journey with a tax-saving instrument, ELSS funds provide exposure to the equity markets and the potential for higher returns compared to traditional tax-saving options. On the other hand, experienced investors can benefit from the diversified portfolio and professional management of ELSS funds, complementing their existing investment strategies. In both cases, investors should carefully research and analyze the best ELSS funds to invest in and consider using a user-friendly platform like to make their investments.

How to Invest in ELSS Mutual Funds

Investing in ELSS mutual funds is a straightforward process, making it easy for both beginners and experienced investors to participate in tax-saving opportunities. In this section, we will provide an overview of the investment process, emphasize the importance of choosing the right platform for investing in ELSS funds, introduce as a user-friendly platform for investing in ELSS funds, and encourage readers to sign up on to start investing in the best ELSS funds.

Overview of the Investment Process

Investing in ELSS mutual funds typically involves the following steps: researching and selecting the best ELSS funds, opening an investment account with a platform or brokerage, choosing between a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) or lump-sum investment, and monitoring the performance of your investments over time. It is essential to carefully evaluate the performance, portfolio composition, and risk factors of the ELSS funds before making an investment decision.

Importance of Choosing the Right Platform for Investing in ELSS Funds

Choosing the right platform for investing in ELSS funds is crucial, as it can impact the ease of managing your investments, the availability of expert guidance, and the privacy and security of your financial information. A good platform should offer advanced analytics, expert guidance, and a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to navigate and execute trades.

Introduction to as a User-Friendly Platform for Investing in ELSS Funds is a professional, confident, and customer-centric platform designed for individuals interested in learning about investing and trading, as well as experienced investors looking for advanced trading tools and resources. The platform provides users with a variety of trading tools to help them analyze market trends, identify potential investment opportunities, and execute trades in ELSS mutual funds. Additionally, allows users to connect with other traders and investors through its social trading feature.

Sign Up on to Start Investing in the Best ELSS Funds

Now that you understand the importance of investing in ELSS funds and how to do so, we encourage you to sign up on to start investing in the best ELSS funds available in 2024. With its user-friendly interface, advanced analytics, expert guidance, privacy, and security, is the ideal platform for both beginners and experienced investors to invest in top ELSS funds and achieve their tax-saving and wealth creation goals.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

In this section, we will address some common queries about ELSS mutual funds and their tax-saving benefits, clarify the risks and returns associated with ELSS funds, and provide guidelines for selecting the best ELSS funds for investment.

Common Queries About ELSS Funds and Their Tax-Saving Benefits

ELSS mutual funds are equity-linked saving schemes that invest in stocks and provide tax-saving benefits under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. An investor can claim a tax deduction of up to INR 1,50,000 on their investments in ELSS funds. These funds have a lock-in period of three years, which is shorter compared to other tax-saving investment options, such as Public Provident Fund (PPF) and National Savings Certificates (NSC).

Clarifications on the Risks and Returns Associated with ELSS Funds

As ELSS funds invest primarily in equities, they are subject to market risks and volatility. However, they have the potential to generate higher returns compared to other tax-saving investment options, especially over a long-term investment horizon. It is crucial for investors to understand their risk appetite and investment goals before choosing the best ELSS mutual fund for their portfolio.

Guidelines for Selecting the Best ELSS Funds for Investment

To select the top ELSS funds, investors should consider various factors such as the fund’s past performance, the expertise of the fund manager, the consistency of returns, and the expense ratio. It is also essential to diversify investments across different ELSS schemes to mitigate risks and optimize returns. Investors can explore and invest in the best ELSS funds through user-friendly platforms like, which offer advanced analytics, expert guidance, and a secure investment environment.

In conclusion, ELSS mutual funds are a popular tax-saving investment option that offers potential for higher returns, diversification, and professional management. By understanding the risks and benefits associated with ELSS funds, investors can make informed decisions and select the best ELSS funds to invest in 2024. Sign up on to start exploring and investing in top ELSS funds today.

What makes ELSS tax-saving mutual funds stand out among other options?

ELSS tax-saving funds are a smart choice for tax savings due to their potential for higher returns while offering tax benefits under Section 80C. Unlike other tax-saving avenues, ELSS funds have a shorter lock-in period of three years, providing a chance for liquidity after this period.

Can I switch between ELSS tax-saving mutual funds during the lock-in period?

During the lock-in of three years, you can’t switch between different ELSS schemes. However, once this period ends, you have the freedom to reconsider and switch to other best tax saver funds based on your goals and market conditions.

What factors should I keep in mind while picking the right ELSS tax-saving mutual fund?

Considering past performance, expense ratios, fund manager expertise, and diversification are key. While past performance doesn’t guarantee future results, analyzing consistent performance helps find the best tax saver fund that matches your risk appetite and goals.

Invest Wisely in ELSS

In this blog, we discussed the importance of tax-saving investments and the benefits of ELSS mutual funds as a popular tax-saving option. With their potential for higher returns, diversification, and professional management, ELSS funds can be a suitable choice for both beginners and experienced investors in 2024.

As you consider investing in the best ELSS funds, remember to assess your risk appetite and investment horizon. To make the process easy and efficient, explore and invest in top ELSS funds through With a user-friendly platform, advanced trading tools, and a wide range of investment options, is the perfect partner for your tax-saving and wealth creation journey. Start investing today!

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